Vegetarian & Vegan Wines
The fining process, whereby wines are clarified using a variety of fining agents is where certain wines become problematic for vegetarians and vegans. Thankfully an increasing number of wines are being fined using bentonite, a clay mineral, that has no animal connection whatsoever. Egg whites whipped up into the wine and casein (derived from milk protein) are sometimes used and are acceptable for vegetarians, but not for vegans. Isinglass, from the dried swim bladders of fish, and gelatine, from animal bones, is not acceptable for either, even if no traces remain in the finished wine. This selection includes vegetarian and vegan wines so please use the filter to see vegan wines only.
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Multi-buy Offer ALC 14%South Africa
V VG£22.00 / per bottlePinotageFull-bodied -
ALC 14%
South Africa
V VG£25.50 / per bottleCabernet SauvignonFull-bodied -
ALC 12%OrganicV VG£21.50 / per bottleMuscadetDry and crisp
Sold Out ALC 13.5%France
V VG£126.00 /Dry and fullTurkey, Roast -
Sold Out ALC 12.0%France
V VG£60.00 /Medium-bodiedHam, Gammon -
Sold Out ALC 13.0%France
V VG£120.00 /Medium-bodiedDuck, Roast -
Sold Out ALC 13.0%France
V VG£144.00 /Dry and fullTurkey, Roast -
Sold Out ALC 13.0%France
V VG£144.00 /Dry and fullTurkey, Roast -
Sold Out ALC 13.0%France
V VG£117.00 /Medium-bodiedGame Casserole -
Sold Out ALC 13.5%France
V VG£141.00 /Medium-bodiedGuinea Fowl, Roast -
Sold Out ALC 13.0%France
V VG£150.00 /Medium-bodiedDuck, Roast -
Sold Out ALC 13.0%France
V VG£162.00 /Full-bodiedGame Casserole -
Sold Out ALC 12.5%France
V VG£225.00 /Medium-bodiedGame, Roast -
Sold Out ALC 14.5%Argentina
V VG£402.00 /PowerfulVegetables, Roasted -
ALC 12.5%
V VG£195.00 / per bottleChampagne BlendDry and biscuity -
ALC 14%
V VG£12.60 / per bottlePrimitivoFull-bodied -
ALC 12.5%
V VG£53.00 / per bottleChampagne BlendDry and biscuity -
ALC 12%
V VG£42.00 / per bottleChampagne BlendDry and crisp -
37.5cl ALC 12%France
V VG£23.50 / per bottleChampagne BlendDry and crisp -
V VG£19.30 / per bottleFurmintDry and fullAsian, South-East -
Press Review ALC 12%France
V VG£54.00 / per bottleChardonnayDry and fruity -
ALC 12.5%
V VG£220.00 / per bottleChampagne BlendDry and biscuity -
37.5cl ALC 10%England
V VG£25.00 / per bottleSolarisSweet and grapey -
ALC 13%OrganicV VG£260.00 / per bottlePinot NoirFull-bodied